I am trying to set up a web server using node.js on a Raspberry PI 4 (Model B).
I have read a few tutorials to get started, but I can't finish putting the pieces together.
I have installed apache2 on the PI and I can see the web server working (with the default page) using apache2 by pointing a browser from another computer.
I have also installed node.js, I can confirm on the command line that it is working like this:
pi@raspberrypi:/var/www/html $ node -v
pi@raspberrypi:/var/www/html $ npm -v
pi@raspberrypi:/var/www/html $
Beside I have a page index.js on my local computer that I can see locally. Starting the server with:
$ node index.js
And then using the browser to see the result.
I want to bring index.js to the PI and then serve it from there.
What do I need to do to achieve that?
Here is what has to be done to reach the goal.
Create a directory somewhere on the PI. For example:
$ mkdir /home/myHomeDir/WWW_MyNodeSite
Using scp or any other similar tool, copy index.js from the local computer to the PI under the newly created directory (WWW_MyNodeSite).
On the PI go to the new directory:
$ cd /home/myHomeDir/WWW_MyNodeSite
Here start the server:
$ node index.js
And that's it; the server is now running on the PI and can be accessed from any web browser.
One more information point:
apache2 is not needed for this to work.