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c2dm receiver doesn't work when app has been killed

In manifest in application tag I have:

    <!-- Receive the actual message -->
            android:name="" />
            android:name="" />
    <!-- Receive the registration id -->
            android:name="" />
            android:name="" />

And my receiving has sth like that

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    if (intent.getAction().equals("")) {
        handleRegistration(context, intent);
    } else if (intent.getAction().equals("")) {
        handleMessage(context, intent);

When my app is on or in background onReceive method is fired, but when I kill app using AdvancedTaskKiller onRecived stops receiving. Why?

Why Android doesn't start my receiver? Do I need sth in manifest?


  • Why?

    If you are on Android 3.1 or newer, it is because your application has been moved into the stopped state. This also occurs if the user force-stops you via the Settings application. Until the user manually launches your app again (e.g., taps on an icon in the launcher), none of your BroadcastReceivers will work.