I have a dynamic Antd form where I can enter menu elements. The user can add, remove and reorder menu elements. The dynamic fields work fine, but I have a radio button for each dynamic element indicating that the corresponding menu element is an external URL or an internal page. I need to display different input elements if the user chooses URL or internal page. I tried the method listed in the Antd documentation, but it is for static fields and it doesn't seem to be working for dynamic elements.
My code so far is:
<Form.List name={"menuTree"}>
{(fields, { add, remove }) => (
{fields.map((field, index) => (
<Row id={"menu-row-" + index} key={index}>
<Col span={8}>
<Form.Item label="Title" name={[field.name, "title"]} key={"title" + index + Math.random()}>
<Input />
<Col span={4}>
<Form.Item label="Type" name={[field.name, "type"]}>
<Radio value={"link"}>URL</Radio>
<Radio value={"page"}>Page</Radio>
<Col span={9}>
// label="URL"
// name={[field.name, "url"]}
shouldUpdate={(prevValues, currentValues) => prevValues.type !== currentValues.type}>
{({ getFieldValue }) => {
return getFieldValue("type") === "link" ? (
<Form.Item name={[field.name, "url"]} label="URL">
<Input />
) : (
<Form.Item name={[field.name, "page"]} label="Page">
<Input />
<Input />
<Col span={2}>
<Button htmlType="button" onClick={() => moveUp(index)}>
<CaretUpOutlined />
<Button htmlType="button" onClick={() => moveDown(index)}>
<CaretDownOutlined />
<Col span={1}>
<Button htmlType="button" onClick={() => removeMenuItem(index)}>
<MinusOutlined />
<Button type="dashed" onClick={() => addMenuItem()} block icon={<PlusOutlined />}>
Add menu item
How can I achieve to change the input on a per line basis whenever the user changes the value of the radio button?
You are trying to get type
value with wrong name path. getFieldValue
expects the complete path when you want to get any value.
You form list name is menuTree
. Since it's a list, your namepath will look like this:
getFieldValue(['menuTree', field.name, 'type'])
<Form.List name={'menuTree'}>
{(fields, { add, remove }) => (
{fields.map((field, index) => (
<Row id={'menu-row-' + index} key={index}>
<Col span={8}>
<Form.Item label='Title' name={[field.name, 'title']} key={'title' + index + Math.random()}>
<Input />
<Col span={4}>
<Form.Item label='Type' name={[field.name, 'type']}>
<Radio value={'link'}>URL</Radio>
<Radio value={'page'}>Page</Radio>
<Col span={9}>
shouldUpdate={(prevValues, currentValues) =>
prevValues?.menuTree?.[field.name]?.type !== currentValues?.menuTree?.[field.name]?.type
{({ getFieldValue }) => {
return (
{getFieldValue(['menuTree', field.name, 'type']) === 'link' ? (
<Form.Item name={[field.name, 'url']} label='URL'>
<Input />
) : (
<Form.Item name={[field.name, 'page']} label='Page'>
<Input />
<Col span={2}>
<Button htmlType='button' onClick={() => {}}>
<CaretUpOutlined />
<Button htmlType='button' onClick={() => {}}>
<CaretDownOutlined />
<Col span={1}>
<Button htmlType='button' onClick={() => remove(field.name)}>
<MinusOutlined />
<Button type='dashed' onClick={() => add()} block icon={<PlusOutlined />}>
Add menu item