I have a table "store" and a table "product". Each store has multiple products but a product only has one store ( one to many relationship ). The tables might look something like:
store: id, name
product: id, name, store_id
when querying the store and its products using supabase I simply do:
which would return
id: "some_id",
name: "some_name",
products: [
or something along those lines depending on what data I want. However, I need to run this query in pure SQL and I can't seem to figure it out.
I tried to JOIN the tables together but it leads to a lot of duplicated data since the store's data is in all the rows
This will generate one JSON value per store:
select to_jsonb(s)||jsonb_build_object('products', p.products)
from store s
join (
select p.store_id, jsonb_agg(to_jsonb(p) - 'store_id' order by p.store_id) products
from product p
group by p.store_id
) p on p.store_id = s.id