So, I have a project on R and I have to create a variable 'month' and 'day', so I decided to use 'lubridate' package. But the displayed days and months are in French, but I want to have it in English.
I hope that somebody can answer me. Thank you in advance.
I have just used these two lines of code, they are good, except the language...
crime19clean$Day <- wday(crime19clean$Newdate, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE) crime19clean$Month <- month(crime19clean$Newdate, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE)
use locale:
lubridate::wday(Sys.Date(), label=T, locale="EN-us")
#> [1] Sat
#> Levels: Sun < Mon < Tue < Wed < Thu < Fri < Sat
lubridate::wday(Sys.Date(), label=T, locale="FR-fr")
#> [1] sam\\.
#> Levels: dim\\. < lun\\. < mar\\. < mer\\. < jeu\\. < ven\\. < sam\\.
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