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My Bigquery job succesfully in terraform but not done in cloud

I created a job to run query in cloud in terraform and it run succesfully but job not done in clouds.

resource "google_bigquery_job" "user_data_job" {
  job_id     = "job_query_${random_id.random_job_id.hex}"
  location = "US"

labels = {
    "job_type" ="create_table"
  query {
    query = "CREATE TABLE myproject.shop45_dataset.user_data AS SELECT first_name, last_name, email,FROM myporject.shop45_dataset.shop_data"

    destination_table {
      project_id = google_bigquery_table.shop_table.project
      dataset_id = google_bigquery_table.shop_table.dataset_id
      table_id   = google_bigquery_table.shop_table.table_id
   allow_large_results = true
    flatten_results = true

  depends_on = [

also i try different sql query

CREATE TABLE `user_data` AS SELECT first_name, last_name, email, FROM ${google_bigquery_table.shop_table.table_id}"

I want to create a table from shop_table table

My cloud log.

job_type: "create_table"
query: {
createDisposition: "CREATE_IF_NEEDED"
defaultDataset: {0}
destinationTable: {3}
query: "CREATE TABLE t-12-vm.shop45_dataset.user_data AS SELECT first_name, last_name, email,FROM t-12-vm.shop45_dataset.shop_data"
queryPriority: "QUERY_INTERACTIVE"
writeDisposition: "WRITE_EMPTY"
jobName: {3}
jobStatistics: {3}
jobStatus: {
additionalErrors: [1]
error: {
code: 11
message: "Cannot set destination table in jobs with DDL statements"
state: "DONE"


  • Don't set the destination_table property. It's conflicting with the query.

    Alternatively, remove the CREATE TABLE AS from query and allow the results to land in the destination table and manage the DDL part explicitly.