I'm trying to share the date from service to another component through BehaviorSubject but getting the above error.
public content = new BehaviorSubject<any>(this.selectedvalue);
public share = this.content.asObservable();
selectedvalue: Meal[] = [];
loadSubCategoriesFood(name: string): Observable<{ meals: Meal[] }> {
return this.http
.get<{ meals: Meal[] }>(
this.recipies.listofsubcategories + 'filter.php?i=' + name
tap((resultcategory) => {
this.selectedvalue = resultcategory?.meals;
My another Component :
This is where I am subscribing the service.
export class CategorypageComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(public categoryfood: HomepageService) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
const getSharedValue = this.categoryfood.share.subscribe((x) =>
You are just passing selectedvalue
to be BehaviourSubject
once. The updates to selectedValue
will not be seen by the BehaviourSubject
Use the .next()
method to push changes to the BehaviourSubject
public content = new BehaviorSubject<Meal[]>([]);
public share = this.content.asObservable();
loadSubCategoriesFood(name: string): Observable<{ meals: Meal[] }> {
return this.http
.get<{ meals: Meal[] }>(
this.recipies.listofsubcategories + 'filter.php?i=' + name
tap((resultcategory) => {
In that case, you don't need selectedvalue