I am reading the UUID from my board as
How to convert or format this to obtain a 128-bit UUID that reads
The Python UUID library will normally cover most of the situations that you need for UUIDs.
The result I'm get doesn't match your expected output 100% but I wonder if you have a typo in your question.
This is what I did:
import uuid
raw_id = b"\x93S4E2\x8d\x9e\x8f\xe9\x11\xc1z\xd0U\x95'"
dev_uuid = uuid.UUID(int=int.from_bytes(raw_id, 'little'))
print(f"Device UUID = {dev_uuid}")
Which gave the output:
Device UUID = 279555d0-7ac1-11e9-8f9e-8d3245345393