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Why Haskell destructure array with tuple

I don't understand how Haskell can destructure the array to a tuple

e.g., why this works

head :: [a] -> a 
head (x:xs) = x 

But this does not work

head :: [a] -> a 
head [x:xs] = x 

it's unintuitive to me


  • why this works

    head :: [a] -> a 
    head (x:xs) = x 

    But this does not work

    head :: [a] -> a 
    head [x:xs] = x 

    This is a very common source of difficulty for people learning Haskell. These look similar in some cases, but mean different things:

    • The type [a] is equivalent to [] a, meaning “the type of lists of zero or more elements that all have type a”.

    • The pattern [p] is equivalent to p : [] and (:) p [], meaning “match a list of exactly one element that matches the pattern p”.

    Note that a list pattern with a variable at the end matches any number of remaining elements, but if it ends with “nil” [] then it matches a fixed number of elements. Here are some examples for lists of length n:

    • xsn ≥ 0 — more than zero elements; any list
    • p : xsn ≥ 1 — more than one element; non-empty lists
    • p₁ : p₂ : xsn ≥ 2 — more than two elements
    • p₁ : p₂ : p₃ : xsn ≥ 3 — &c.
    • []n = 0 — exactly zero elements; empty lists
    • [p]n = 1 — exactly one element; singleton lists
    • [p₁, p₂]n = 2 — exactly two elements
    • [p₁, p₂, p₃]n = 3 — &c.

    Writing x : xs, which is the same as (:) x xs, matches a list of one or more elements. Putting that in parentheses (x : xs) is equivalent, it’s only necessary because of precedence rules: head x : xs means (head x) : xs, which is a valid expression but not a valid pattern.

    Writing [x : xs], which is the same as (x : xs) : [] and (:) ((:) x xs) [], matches a list of exactly one element ([ e ]) where that element matches a list of one or more elements (e = x : xs). Here are some examples:

    • let { x : xs = [1] } in (x, xs) evaluates to (1, []) because:
      • x : xs matches 1 : []
        • x = 1
        • xs = []
      • And these are all equivalent:
        • [1]
        • 1 : []
        • (:) 1 []
    • let { x : xs = [1, 2, 3] } in (x, xs) evaluates to (1, [2, 3]) because:
      • x : xs matches 1 : 2 : 3 : []
        • x = 1
        • xs = [2, 3]
      • And these are all equivalent:
        • [1, 2, 3]
        • 1 : [2, 3]
        • 1 : 2 : [3]
        • 1 : 2 : 3 : []
        • (:) 1 ((:) 2 ((:) 3 []))
    • let { x : xs = "hi" } in (x, xs) evaluates to ('h', "i") because:
      • x : xs matches 'h' : 'i' : []
        • x = 'h'
        • xs = "i"
      • And these are all equivalent:
        • "hi"
        • 'h' : "i"
        • 'h' : 'i' : []
        • (:) 'h' ((:) 'i' [])
    • let { [x : xs] = [[1]] } in (x, xs) evaluates to (1, []) because:
      • [ x : xs ] matches [ [1] ]
      • x : xs matches 1 : []
        • x = 1
        • xs = []
    • let { [x : xs] = ["yo"] } in (x, xs) evaluates to ('y', "o") because:
      • [ x : xs ] matches [ ["yo"] ]
      • x : xs matches 'y' : 'o' : []
        • x = 'y'
        • xs = "o"
    • Neither x : xs nor [x : xs] matches an empty list []
    • [x : xs] does not match ["ya", "no"] because x : xs : [] does not match "ya" : "no" : [], because [] does not match "no" : []
    • [x : xs] does not match [[]] because x : xs does not match []