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JSON to CSV iterate through nested objects and map value to key

I do have a json in the format of (but with even more/deeper nested objects)

    "Group": {
        "Group1": {
            "GroupA": {
                "value": "#fffff",
                "type": "color"

            "GroupB": {
                "value": "#c2c2c2",
                "type": "color"

            "GroupC": {
                "Group_XY": {
                    "value": "#aw13ma",
                    "type": "color"


            "GroupA": {
                "value": "#ff123f",
                "type": "color"

            "GroupB": {
                "value": "#fffff",
                "type": "color"

            "GroupD": {
                "value": "#ababab",
                "type": "color"

        "Group3": {
            "GroupA": {
                "value": "#fffff",
                "type": "color"

            "GroupC": {
                "Group_XY": {
                    "value": "#12a3ma",
                    "type": "color"

            "GroupD": {
                "value": "#fffff",
                "type": "color"

        "Group4": {
            "GroupA": {

            "GroupB": { 
                "value": "#c2c2c2",
                "type": "color"

            "GroupE": {
                "Group_XX": {
                    "Group_A1": {
                        "value": "#12a3ma",
                        "type": "color"


what i want to achieve is a csv/table output to compare:

Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4
GroupA #fffff #ff123f #fffff
GroupB #c2c2c2 #fffff #c2c2c2
Group_XY #aw13ma #12a3ma
GroupD #fffff
Group_A1 #12a3ma

so i figured that python and pandas might be the correct way to kick it off.

import pandas as pd
import json
with open('colorDate.json') as f:
    data = json.load(f)

gets me

Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4
{'GroupA': {'value': '#fffff', 'type': 'color'... {'GroupA': {'value': '#ff123f', 'type': 'color... {'GroupA': {'value': '#fffff', 'type': 'color'... {'GroupA': {}, 'GroupB': {'value': '#c2c2c2', ...

now i need to transform the all the keys for the next level to rows?!


  • i don't care about the tool stack

    So, why not use jq, then? It can transform JSON with ease, and even generate your desired output format using the @csv builtin and the --raw-output (or -r) option.

    .Group | to_entries | reduce (
      .[] | (.value | paths(objects) as $p | [$p, getpath($p).value]) + [.key]
    ) as [$path, $value, $column] ({}; ."\($path)"[$column] = $value)
    | (keys | map(fromjson) | sort) as $paths
    | ($paths | map(length) | max)  as $width
    | (map(keys[]) | unique)        as $heads
    | [(range($width) | null), $heads[]], ($paths[] as $path
      | ($path | .[:-1] |= map(null)) + [range($path | $width - length) | null]
      + [."\($path)"[$heads[]]]
    ) | @csv


    A personal suggestion: For better readability, I would "merge" those "blank" lines as they provide no additional information, while combining (and if necessary, duplicating) the path items on the row headers. For this, extend paths(objects) to paths(objects | has("value")) to only descend to items of value, and reveal the full path by changing ($path | .[:-1] |= map(null)) to just $path:

    .Group | to_entries | reduce (
      .[] | (.value | paths(objects | has("value")) as $p | [$p, getpath($p).value]) + [.key]
    ) as [$path, $value, $column] ({}; ."\($path)"[$column] = $value)
    | (keys | map(fromjson) | sort) as $paths
    | ($paths | map(length) | max)  as $width
    | (map(keys[]) | unique)        as $heads
    | [(range($width) | null), $heads[]], ($paths[] as $path
      | $path + [range($path | $width - length) | null]
      + [."\($path)"[$heads[]]]
    ) | @csv
