I use this library : https://python-pptx.readthedocs.io/, and I'm looking for a method to delete all shapes of a slide (and to replace by shapes taken from another slide). Thanks.
It's possible, though it is a little tricky. I adapted the code from this answer and this answer.
from pptx import Presentation
import copy
prs = Presentation("test169_presentation.pptx")
def delete_shapes(prs, slide_index):
for shape in prs.slides[slide_index].shapes:
shape_element = shape.element
def copy_shapes(prs, source_slide_index, dest_slide_index):
source_slide = prs.slides[source_slide_index]
dest_slide = prs.slides[dest_slide_index]
unused_shape_id = max(shape.shape_id for slide in prs.slides for shape in slide.shapes) + 1
for shape in source_slide.shapes:
new_shape = copy.deepcopy(shape.element)
dest_slide.shapes._spTree.insert_element_before(new_shape, 'p:extLst')
delete_shapes(prs, 1)
copy_shapes(prs, 0, 1)
This program is deleting the shapes from slide 2, then copying the shapes from slide 1 to slide 2.