I have such a program
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
float x, k;
int choose;
_Bool valid;
do {
valid = 1;
printf("\nChoose variant: \n1 - count of nums\n2 - float number\n3 - e:\nYour choose: ");
scanf(" %d", &choose);
while(isdigit(choose) == 0) {
printf("Please, choose number, not letter (number between 1 to 3): ");
scanf(" %d", &choose);
while(choose > 3 || choose < 0) {
printf("Please, choose correct option (number between 1 to 3): ");
scanf(" %d", &choose);
if(choose == 1 || choose == 2 || choose == 3) valid = 0;
} while (valid);
return 0;
I have such a program. I want to get the user to choose: 1, 2 or 3. I'm trying to put a check on characters and also on other numbers. I want the program to loop until I enter the correct one. But it does not work, I have already tried other methods to solve this problem, but it does not work for me. I have an idea that there is no cleaning here, maybe this is so?
I can also set a condition so that scanf is equal to one - this means that a character has been entered. But I want if the user enters "1gf ", for example, then the condition will also work, instead of continuing from 1.
Thank you very much in advance
Rather than checking for a numeric entry the program might scan in a character to test and then convert to an integer as in the following code snippet.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
float x, k;
int choice;
char choose;
int valid = 1;
printf("\nChoose variant: \n1 - count of nums\n2 - float number\n3 - e:\nYour choose: ");
scanf(" %c", &choose);
if((choose > '9'))
printf("Please, choose number, not letter (number between 1 to 3): ");
if((choose < '1' || (choose > '3')))
printf("Please, choose correct option (number between 1 to 3): ");
if(choose == '1' || choose == '2' || choose == '3') valid = 0;
while (valid);
choice = choose - '0';
printf("The choice is %d\n", choice);
return 0;
Following are some points to note.
Testing this out at the terminal resulted in the following sample output.
@Dev:~/C_Programs/Console/Choice/bin/Release$ ./Choice
Choose variant:
1 - count of nums
2 - float number
3 - e:
Your choose: e
Please, choose number, not letter (number between 1 to 3): Please, choose correct option (number between 1 to 3):
Choose variant:
1 - count of nums
2 - float number
3 - e:
Your choose: 4
Please, choose correct option (number between 1 to 3):
Choose variant:
1 - count of nums
2 - float number
3 - e:
Your choose: 2
The choice is 2
For sure, there are a multitude of ways the entries could be input and checked. This is just one way. Give it a try and see if it meets the spirit of your project.