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How do you mark a single container as a dropDestination for multiple Transferable types?

I'm using the new Transferable protocol with the draggable/dropDestination modifiers to let users drop content onto a ZStack. The issue I'm having is that I want to support multiple Transferable types being dropped into a single container. For example, I want users to be able to drop a String, a URL, or a Data (i.e., image data) onto a single ZStack. The problem is that the "for" parameter on the dropDestination view modifier does not accept multiple Types, like the onDrop modifier does.

I tried adding a second dropDestination modifier with a different payload, but when I drop an item corresponding to the second drop destination payload, I see an icon on the dragged image that indicates dropping is not allowed. However, if I drop a String payload, I get the + icon as I would expect, and the drop is successful.

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var stringPayload: String = ""
    @State private var urlPayload: URL?
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            ZStack {
                if let urlPayload {
                    Image(uiImage: UIImage(data: (try? Data(contentsOf: urlPayload))!)!)
            .dropDestination(for: String.self) { items, location in
                stringPayload = items.first!
                return true
            .dropDestination(for: URL.self) { items, location in
                return true
            Text("Hello world!")
                .draggable("Hello world!")


  • Thanks to @user1046037's suggestion to look at ProxyRepresentation, I was able to put together some code that allows me to accept multiple drop types within a single dropDestination receiver.

    First, I created a separate enum to represent the different types of data that could be dropped:

    import CoreTransferable
    enum DropItem: Codable, Transferable {
        case none
        case text(String)
        case url(URL)
        static var transferRepresentation: some TransferRepresentation {
            ProxyRepresentation { DropItem.text($0) }
            ProxyRepresentation { DropItem.url($0) }
        var text: String? {
            switch self {
                case .text(let str): return str
                default: return nil
        var url: URL? {
            switch self {
                case.url(let url): return url
                default: return nil

    Then in the View, just tell the dropDestination to accept items of type DropItem.self, like this:

    struct ContentView: View {
        @State private var payload: DropItem = .none
        @State private var urlPayload: URL?
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                ZStack {
                    if let text = payload.text {
                    } else if let url = payload.url {
                .dropDestination(for: DropItem.self) { items, location in
                    payload = items.first!
                    return true
                Text("Hello world!")
                    .draggable("Hello world!")

    What's really nice about this approach is that you can rely on strongly typed DropItems to determine what to do based on the case in the enum that is received.