Hi There I am trying to make a background image be choose able via an ACF rule in my block editor via WordPress. I cannot get this to work for the life of me I must be missing something stupid any help will help here is what I have at the moment.
<div style="background-image: url(<?php echo get_field('my_background'));"></div>
In this code assume my_background is our ACF field my ACF field is set up as a Image block set to URL but I cant make any leeway with this any help will be appreciated.
As menctioned this is being used in this block here
<div style="<div id="mainPhoto" style="background-image: url(<?php the_field('$roomFacilitysBackgroundImage'); ?>);">">
<h5>Room Facilities</h5>
<div class="facilities facilities-column-50">
if ($roomFacilitiesList3) {
foreach ($roomFacilitiesList3 as $roomFacilitiesList3 ) {
echo '<div>'.$roomFacilitiesList3.'</div>' ;
This holds a outdated piece of background image to the one Above in the question
you write
<div style="background-image : url(<?php the_field('$youVarName'); ?>)> "
try with :
$yourImageUrl = get_field('nameOfTheField);
style ='background-image:' url(<?= $yourImageUrl ?>)
if it's still don't work try to dump $yourImageUrl
if it's not defined
there is 2 option :
you write the wrong field name
you'r not in the right context then try get_field('nameOfTheField','Post_Or_PostID')
where Post_Or_PostID
is where the field come from (post, option page ,....)
option it's good in php but you'r div is to small to display the background