We are using fastlane in AzureDevOps pipelines to upload our .ipa file to TestFlight. This was working fine until recently, when some builds did not appear on TestFlight. I figured from logs, that the builds which are not in TF have there
2022-10-25T03:41:38.0866400Z [03:41:38]: The software asset has already been successfully delivered.
This line in the log is not present when the build is on TestFlight. Do you know how this can happen? We automatically increment the build number every time we run this, so we never have duplicate app versions.
The fastlane command is (I obfuscated some IDs):
[command]/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin/fastlane pilot upload -u *** -i /Users/runner/work/r1/a/output/myapplication.ipa -q XXXXXXXXX -a com.myapplication.app --skip_submission true --skip_waiting_for_build_processing true -p 0123456899 -asc_provider XXXXXXXX
As mentioned in this or this fastlane thread, you just need to add environment variable
In my case, adding it is Variable in my Azure DevOps release pipeline.