I am fairly new to iOS development. I am trying to update the property "cars" in the "Sire" model using a stepper. Whenever I press on + or - from the stepper controls, it changes the value by a step and then becomes disabled.
If I bind the stepper to the variable cars, it works flawlessly.
struct AddSireView: View {
// @EnvironmentObject var sireVM:SiresViewModel
@State var newSire = Sire (id:"", name: "", ownerID: 0, info:"", achievments: "", cars: 0, cups: 0)
@State var cars = 0
@State var cups = 0
@State private var state = FormState.idle
var createAction: CreateAction
// TODO: Put validation that the added sire is valid and if not show errors to the user
var body: some View {
Form {
VStack (spacing: 18) {
TitledTextView(text: $newSire.name, placeHolder: "الاسم", title: "الاسم")
TiltedTextEditor(text: Binding<String>($newSire.info)!, title: "معلومات البعير")
TiltedTextEditor(text: Binding<String>($newSire.achievments)!, title: "انجازات البعير")
Stepper(value: $newSire.cars, in: 0...10,step:1) {
HStack {
Text ("سيارات:")
TextField("Cars", value: $newSire.cars, formatter: NumberFormatter.decimal)
And this is the "Sire" struct
struct Sire: Hashable, Identifiable, Decodable {
static func == (lhs: Sire, rhs: Sire) -> Bool {
lhs.id == rhs.id && lhs.name == rhs.name && lhs.ownerID == rhs.ownerID
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
var id:String
var name:String
var ownerID:Int
var fatherID:String?
var info:String?
var achievments:String?
var cars:Int = 0
var cups:Int = 0
init (id:String, name:String, ownerID:Int, info:String? = nil, achievments:String? = nil,
fatherID:String? = nil, cars:Int = 0, cups:Int = 0) {
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.ownerID = ownerID
self.cars = cars
self.cups = cups
self.info = info
self.achievments = achievments
"Sire" was a class and i made it a Struct thinking that that was the problem, but to no avail.
Get rid of the custom implementations for Equatable
and Hashable
(func ==
and func hash
) you don't include cars
in it so SwiftUI doesn't know when to reload.
SwiftUI is all about identity if you change how Swift computes the identity (using Hashable
, Equatable
and Identifiable
) you change the behavior.
The video above is the "best" place to learn about the concept.