How to draw a cosine curve with complex exponentials using gnuplot?
I tried to draw them using this script, but the graph is not drew.
set parametric
i = {0.0,1.0}
set size ratio -1
plot real(1/2*(exp(i*t)+exp(-i*t))), imag(1/2*(exp(i*t)+exp(-i*t)))
but I got nothing on the graph.
Example, circle in complex number
set parametric
i = {0.0,1.0}
set size ratio -1
plot real(1/2*(exp(i*t)+exp(-i*t))), imag(1/2*(exp(i*t)+exp(-i*t)))
You need the correct functions.
plot t, cos(t)
If you want to use exponentials
plot t, exp(i*t) + exp(-i*t)
You can see this with eulers equation.
exp(i*t) = cos(t) + isin(t)
Then the sum reduces to
exp(i*t) + exp(-i*t) = 2*cos(t)
No imaginary component.