I need to get the election id from the URL in Vue3, to use it as a query parameter in an axios call later in the call. My URL is "http://localhost:8080/#/requestPIN/py6lzerjwjntl4dmr9n77e6x73blk925?electionId=thirdElection"
I am trying to do:
get ID(): string | undefined {
return this.$route.query.electionId
which gives me a typescript error:
Type 'LocationQueryValue | LocationQueryValue[]' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'. Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'.
what is the right type of the URL query parameters?
Assert that the id is a string, then in the return type make sure to say it could potentially return undefined
get ID(): string | undefined {
return this.$route.query.electionId as string;