I have this with a date picker in it:
<q-input :model-value="`${dateRange.from} - ${dateRange.to}`" dense>
<template v-slot:append>
<q-icon name="event" class="cursor-pointer" size="xs">
<q-popup-proxy cover transition-show="scale" transition-hide="scale">
<q-date v-model="dateRange" range>
<div class="row items-center justify-end">
<q-btn v-close-popup label="Close" color="primary" flat/>
By default, the size of the box is very small and onlyx a part of the text is visible.
On the DevTools, I've changed the CSS rule from
.q-field__native, .q-field__input {
width: 100%;
.q-field__native, .q-field__input {
width: auto;
and it works well here, but of course, it messes up the other q-fields on the page.
Is there any style or class what I could use to make this one q-input larger to make the text visible?
<q-td style="min-width: 300px">
<q-input :model-value="`${dateRange.from} - ${dateRange.to}`" dense>
<template v-slot:append>
<q-icon name="event" class="cursor-pointer" size="xs">
<q-popup-proxy cover transition-show="scale" transition-hide="scale">
<q-date v-model="dateRange" range>
<div class="row items-center justify-end">
<q-btn v-close-popup label="Close" color="primary" flat/>