How should I create the dto for the nestjs response? I am currently creating the following code. I want to define it like the dto of input parameters.
■ response code like this
return {
statusCode: 200,
message: 'successs',
data: {
id: 10
■ I want to do like this
async test: Promise<SuccessDto> {
return respoinse: SuccessDto
I believe there is no need to do that. You can access the code through the headers and the convention is the following
But to answer your question, it might be possible through interceptors. Their sandbox :
use the Res, create a DTO with a generic or a class to extends it and glue it together. Use the @Type(() => YourDTO) to expose what you need. But your kind of reinventing the wheel, NestJS takes care of it and you can overwrite the Response status if needed.