Search code examples

How to exclude node_modules from glob pattern

I'm trying to build a script which will search for a specific text in my projects directory.

Here is an example of searching all the files in current directory, including node_modules.

const glob = require('glob')

async function searchFiles(directory) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    glob(`${directory}/**/*`, { ignore: ['./node_modules/*'] }, (error, files) => {
      if (error) reject(error)

async function start() {
  const files = await searchFiles('./').catch(error => console.log(error))


The output I get in the console is the following


How can i exclude node_modules from search pattern?

Tried searching but couldn't find the pattern that would exclude exclusively node_modules directory

any help is appreciated


  • You are missing a double asterisk in your ignore pattern, so you should refactor your searchFiles this way:

    async function searchFiles(directory) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        glob(`${directory}/**/*`, { ignore: ['./node_modules/**'] }, (error, files) => {
          if (error) reject(error)

    the double asterisk (**) literally means "everything (files and folders) downwards"