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Is MathDOM 0.8 compatible with Python 2.7?

I want to convert AsciiMath to MathML. I just want to get the XML content but I need not to display on browser.

So, I have installed MathDOM 0.8, lxml 2.3, pyparsing 1.5.6. I have not installed PyXML because MathDOM uses PyXML or lxml, and pyparsing.

I then run three examples in MathDOM directory such as, and ldom.python. and output an error: ImportError: No module named Element

Otherwise, outputs other error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setParseAction'

I have also tried to install PyXML but I could not run the examples, too.

Please help me.



  • MathDOM 0.8 (which installs module mathml) works only with the older pyparsing 1.4.2. Here's a way to override pyparsing with the older version, affecting mathml only. Tested on Python 2.7 on Windows 7:

    • Download and extract MathDOM 0.8.
    • Download revision 68 of (version 1.4.2 according to the SVN commit messages, though there are no tags in the repository) and save it in the mathdom-0.8/mathml folder that you extracted. This will take precedence over the installed pyparsing, but only for the mathml package.
    • Navigate to mathdom-0.8/ and install (e.g. python install or pip install ., perhaps appending --prefix=$HOME/usr or somesuch).
    • Test with python -c "from mathml import termparser"; it should succeed where it previously failed with AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setParseAction'.

      You can also verify that python -c "from mathml import pyparsing; print pyparsing.__version__" prints 1.4.2, whereas python -c "import pyparsing; print pyparsing.__version__" prints 1.5.6.

    Hope this helps!