I altered a table using the command
ALTER TABLE sys.system_property
ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS description text;
COMMENT ON COLUMN sys.system_property.description IS 'description of property';
I then need to have a default value and set it no Not NULL
so I did:
ALTER TABLE sys.system_property
ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS description text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Missing Description';
COMMENT ON COLUMN sys.system_property.description IS 'description of property';
I added the line NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Missing Description';
to make the column Not Null
and have a DEFAULT VALUE
but running this code didnt alter the table the code is skipped.
ALTER TABLE sys.system_property
ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS description text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Missing Description'
[2022-11-04 12:02:22] [42701] column "description" of relation "system_property" already exists, skipping
How to alter column ?
The column already exists, so ADD
is not appropriate. Use:
alter table alter column set not null default 'Missing Description';`
See documentation.