I am making Xamarin Android Binding library of Razorpay 1.6.26 using AAR (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/razorpay/checkout/1.6.26/checkout-1.6.26.aar) but its giving error due to a parameter type in OnRequestPermissionsResult method, which is declared as
OnRequestPermissionsResult (int p0, string[] p1, int[] p2)
but it should be
OnRequestPermissionsResult (int p0, string[] p1, Permission[] p2)
I am trying to change through Metadata.xml using following attr code
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.razorpay']/class[@name='CheckoutActivity']/method[@name='OnRequestPermissionsResult' and count(parameter)=3 and parameter[1][@type='int'] and parameter[2][@type='java.lang.String[]'] and parameter[3][@type='int[]']]/parameter[3]" name="type">Android.Content.PM.Permission[]</attr>
But its not working and error is as same as earlier
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS0115 'CheckoutActivity.OnRequestPermissionsResult(int, string[], int[])': no
suitable method found to override RazorPayBindingNew
Any idea how to solve this?
I have test the binding, and it seems there is something wrong in your Metadata.xml. You can try the following code:
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.razorpay']/class[@name='CheckoutActivity']/method[@name='onRequestPermissionsResult' and count(parameter)=3 and parameter[1][@type='int'] and parameter[2][@type='java.lang.String[]'] and parameter[3][@type='int[]']]/parameter[3]" name="type">Android.Content.PM.Permission[]</attr>
And sorry for my mistake. The name="type"
is right. The name="manageType"
should be used to change return type.
And the 'OnRequestPermissionsResult'
should be 'onRequestPermissionsResult'
. I have checked the binding errors, the error message showed the name should be onRequestPermissionsResult
. I have tested it, the error message disappeared when I changed it to onRequestPermissionsResult