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Overwrite an Excel file in Google Drive using Python

I have a loop which runs through a list of files then uploads them a Google Drive folder. There is a client_secrets.json file in the folder on my computer.

I am able to create new files in the Google Drive folder but I wish to overwrite the existing files, without changing the Google Drive file IDs. Is this possible to do this adapting my code below?

from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth
from import GoogleDrive
gauth = GoogleAuth()
drive = GoogleDrive(gauth)

upload_file_list ["a.xlsx", "b.xlsx"]

for upload_file in upload_file_list:
    gfile = drive.CreateFile({'parents': [{'id': [FOLDER ID}]})


  • I believe your goal is as follows.

    • You want to update the existing XLSX file with a new XLSX file on Google Drive.
    • You want to achieve this using pydrive for python.

    Issue and workaround:

    When I saw the document of pydrive, I couldn't find the method for updating the file content while the file metadata can be updated. From your showing script, I understand that you already had the access token by the script of pydrive. So, in this answer, using your authorization script, I would like to propose a sample script for updating the file content of the file on Google Drive.

    Sample script:

    Before you use this script, please set file_id and uploadXLSXfilename.

    import json
    import requests
    from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth
    file_id = "###"  # Please set the file ID of the existing XLSX file on Google Drive.
    uploadXLSXfilename = "./sample.xlsx"  # Please set your local XLSX file name with the path.
    gauth = GoogleAuth()
    files = {
        "data": ("metadata", json.dumps({"mimeType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"}), "application/json"),
        "file": open(uploadXLSXfilename, "rb"),
    res = requests.patch(
        "" + file_id + "?uploadType=multipart",
        headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + gauth.attr["credentials"].access_token},
    • When this script is run, the existing file of file_id on Google Drive is overwritten with the local XLSX file.
    • And, the access token is used from gauth.
