I am trying to take values from one column (i.e. tasted bad, dirty bathroom, etc) and then turn it into a row with headeres being (reason 1, reason 2, etc). The PIVOT function seems to require an agg function and it only works on numbers. There is an ID column and a timestamp column. There can be multiple reasons per ID . Every example out there seems to use numbers
I've tried the below code and got all nulls for values
select * from Reason_Dedup
pivot(SUM(Event_Desc) FOR Event_Desc in ('Reason 1', 'Reason 2', 'Reason 3', 'Reason 4', 'Reason 5', 'Reason 6', 'Reason 7'))
as p
order by agreement_id, create_date
In SAS I would do this:
proc sort data= Reason_Dedup out=longsort;
by agreement_id descending create_date;
proc transpose data=longsort out=wide1 Prefix=reason;
by agreement_id;
var Event_Desc;
You can start by numbering the reasons of each agreement with row_number
, then pivot. I would recommend conditional aggregation instead of the vendor-specific pivot
syntax. It is standard SQL, and gives more flexibility in general:
select agreement_id,
max(case when rn = 1 then event_desc end) reason_1,
max(case when rn = 2 then event_desc end) reason_2,
max(case when rn = 3 then event_desc end) reason_3
from (
select r.*,
row_number() over(partition by agreement_id order by create_date) rn
from reason_dedup r
) r
group by agreement_id