I have a function of some parameters that will return a probability. How can I set scipy
's minimize
to terminate as soon as finds some parameters that will return a probability below a certain threshold (even if it is a "large" probability like 0.1 or so)?
Thanks a lot!
The first answer is: it depends on the underlying solver you use. Most of the time, SciPy is just wrapping around efficient implementations in other languages (e.g. SLSQP in Fortran).
This is not the case for trust-constr
, which is implemented in Python, and allows a callback returning True
to stop the optimization process. See the documentation of the callback
argument of scipy.optimize.minimize
for more details.
For other solvers, the most straightforward way to achieve what you want is by implementing your own exception, similar to what suggested Andrew Nelson. You will not be able to get the inner state of the solver, but your Python script can go on, and the function is evaluated only once at each candidate point.
Here is a reproducible example using the Nelder-Mead Simplex Downhill algorithm:
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from numpy import inf
class Trigger(Exception):
class ObjectiveFunctionWrapper:
def __init__(self, fun, fun_tol=None):
self.fun = fun
self.best_x = None
self.best_f = inf
self.fun_tol = fun_tol or -inf
self.number_of_f_evals = 0
def __call__(self, x):
_f = self.fun(x)
self.number_of_f_evals += 1
if _f < self.best_f:
self.best_x, self.best_f = x, _f
return _f
def stop(self, *args):
if self.best_f < self.fun_tol:
raise Trigger
if __name__ == "__main__":
def f(x):
return sum([xi**2 for xi in x])
fun_tol = 1e-4
f_wrapped = ObjectiveFunctionWrapper(f, fun_tol)
[10] * 5, # problem dimension is 5, x0 is [1, ..., 1],
except Trigger:
print(f"Found f value below tolerance of {fun_tol}\
in {f_wrapped.number_of_f_evals} f-evals:\
\nx = {f_wrapped.best_x}\
\nf(x) = {f_wrapped.best_f}")
except Exception as e: # catch other errors
raise e
Found f value below tolerance of 0.0001 in 239 f-evals:
x = [ 0.00335493 0.00823628 -0.00356564 -0.00126547 0.00158183]
f(x) = 9.590933918640515e-05