I'm trying to update a row in a table with row level security policies, but keep getting the error new row violates row-level security policy for table "my_table"
Here's how I set up RLS policies:
alter table my_table enable row level security;
alter table my_table force row level security;
create policy select_policy on my_table for select to public using (deleted is false);
create policy insert_policy on my_table for insert to public with check (true);
create policy delete_policy on my_table for delete to public using (true);
create policy update_policy on my_table for update to public using (true) with check (true);
The query I'm trying to run is:
update my_table set deleted = true where id = 1;
I need to perform a "soft-delete" of the rows in my_table
in this way - by switching the deleted
What am I doing wrong here? How do I make such queries work?
Steps to Reproduce:
create table if not exists my_table (
"name" varchar(40),
deleted boolean default false
insert into my_table (name) values ('John'), ('Alice'), ('Bob');
alter table my_table enable row level security;
alter table my_table force row level security;
drop policy if exists my_table_select_policy on my_table;
drop policy if exists my_table_insert_policy on my_table;
drop policy if exists my_table_delete_policy on my_table;
drop policy if exists my_table_update_policy on my_table;
create policy my_table_select_policy on my_table for select to public using (deleted is false);
create policy my_table_insert_policy on my_table for insert to public with check (true);
create policy my_table_delete_policy on my_table for delete to public using (true);
create policy my_table_update_policy on my_table for update to public using (true);
update my_table set deleted = true where name = 'John'; -- throws error
On the screenshot below are the privileges of current_user
My current user's grant is grant all on schema public to my_user;
Postgres applies the my_table_select_policy on the updated row (having deleted = false). For a reason unknown to me.
As a workaround I would suggest to build in a grace period where the my_table_select_policy still returns true:
my_table.deleted_at IS NULL
ABS(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (now() - my_table.deleted_at))) < 1