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Change button background-color when button is clicked with lit components styleMap

I toggle between components on button click and I want to show active button when the user has clicked on a button. So backgroundColor of a clicked button should be green, but now when I click on one of the buttons, both buttons became green. How can I solve that so only one active button is green?

    export class myComp extends LitElement {
      static styles = css`
        .buttons-container {
          display: inline-flex;
          width: 100%;
          margin: 20px;
          gap: 20px;
        button:active {
          background: green;
    @property() toggleComponent: boolean
      constructor() {
        this.toggleComponent = false;
      private toggleComponentFunc() {
        this.toggleComponent = !this.toggleComponent
      render() {
        const styles = {
          backgroundColor: this.toggleComponent ? 'lightgreen' : 'red',
        const view = this.toggleComponent ?
        html`<comp-a></comp-a>` : html`<comp-b></comp-b>`
        return html`
            <div class="buttons-container">
              <button class="button" style=${styleMap(styles)} @click=${() => {this.toggleComponent = false;}}>
                comp A
              <button class="button" style=${styleMap(styles)} @click=${() => {this.toggleComponent = true;}}>
                comp B

This is the source question: What is the best way to toggle between two different Lit components?


  • The issue is that both buttons are being passed the same styles.

    const styles = {
      backgroundColor: this.toggleComponent ? 'lightgreen' : 'red',

    If this.toggleComponent is true, styles will contain: background-color: 'lightgreen';, and then both buttons appear lightgreen.

    A potential solution is to define the two style variants for the two buttons and pass them to the two buttons. Maybe something like:

    // In render method (only showing changes)
        const stylesBtn1 = {
          backgroundColor: this.toggleComponent ? 'lightgreen' : 'red',
        const stylesBtn2 = {
          backgroundColor: !this.toggleComponent ? 'lightgreen' : 'red',
        return html`
          <button class="button" style=${styleMap(stylesBtn1)}>
            comp A
          <button class="button" style=${styleMap(stylesBtn2)}>
            comp B

    Note that styleBtn1 uses this.toggleComponent and styleBtn2 uses !this.toggleComponent.