I am trying to define an array as a subfield of a DS by referring to an external table using EXTNAME and EXTFLD. But it results in a compilation error.
dcl-ds P_IAC3002L extname('IAC3002_L') qualified template;
WorkTitle extfld('WORKTITLE');
OriginalWorkTitle extfld('WRKTITLEOR');
TypeOfWorkTitle extfld('WRKTITLETY');
TitleTypeDescription extfld('TITLEDESC');
OriginalVersionInd extfld('WRKORGIND');
OriginalVersionIndDescription extfld('WRKORGDESC');
Role extfld('ROLE' );
RoleDescription extfld('ROLEDESC');
StatusOfWork extfld('WRKSTS' );
WorkStatusDescription extfld('WRKSTSDESC');
WorkKey extfld('WORKKEY');
WorkTitleNumber extfld('WRKTITLENO');
WorkMatchIndicator extfld('WRKMATCHIN');
WorkCCIndicator extfld('WRKCCIND');
OtherTitlesExist extfld('OTHTITLIND');
WorkIsReferenced extfld('WRKISREF');
WorkIsActive extfld('WRKISACT');
AgreementExceptionExists extfld('PAGEXCEP');
PublisherReferences extfld('PUBREFS') dim(500);
Above is the DS.
Below is the Error:
PublisherReferences extfld('PUBREFS') dim(500);
======> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
*RNF0518 20 a 012900 Length of item PUBLISH... is less than 1; length defaults
to 1.
The table definition is rather straight forward:
Field Field
Text Name Type Length Dec Loc
List Row Number LISTROWNBR S 3 0 1
Work Title WORKTITLE A 90 4
Work Original Title WRKTITLEOR A 90 94
Type of Work Title WRKTITLETY A 2 184
Title Type Description TITLEDESC A 60 186
Original/version Indicato WRKORGIND A 3 246
Work Original Indicator D WRKORGDESC A 60 249
Role ROLE A 10 309
Role Description ROLEDESC A 60 319
Status Of Work WRKSTS S 1 0 379
Work Status Description WRKSTSDESC A 60 380
Work Key Number WORKKEY S 11 0 440
Work Title Sequence Numbe WRKTITLENO S 7 0 451
Work Match Indicator WRKMATCHIN A 1 458
Work Counterclaim Indicat WRKCCIND A 1 459
Other Titles Exist OTHTITLIND A 1 460
No of none Wsm NONONEWSM S 3 0 461
Work has Trigger HASTRIGGER A 1 464
Work Is Referenced WRKISREF A 1 465
Work Is Active WRKISACT A 1 466
Agreement Exception Exist PAGEXCEP A 1 467
Work Number Cross Referen PUBREFS A 20 468
Can somebody help on why this wont compile ?
Ah, your last comment provides the answer...
You can't take a char(20) from a file and redefine it bigger than 20 bytes.
RPG is willing to treat char(20) as char(1) dim(20).
What are you trying to accomplish with dim(500)?
try doing what you're trying to do like so:
dcl-ds P_IAC3002L extname('IAC3002_L') qualified template;
dcl-ds myWorkDs qualified template;
LISTROWNumber like(p_iac3002l.LISTROWNBR);
PublisherReferences like(p_iac3002l.PUBREFS) dim(500);