I'm having problems in filtering the subgraphs using boost libraries, I want to obtain induced subgraph reachable from v with distance d. Here is the python code using networkx library:
def reachable_subgraph(G, v, d):
E = nx.bfs_edges(G, v, depth_limit=d)
N = set([n for e in E for n in e])
return nx.induced_subgraph(G, N)
How can I do it using Boost library? Should I use bfs_visitors? I am not very familiar with the visitor concepts so it would be helpful to know it can be done using the visitor or any other Boost approaches.
Should I use bfs_visitors?
You might use the filtered_graph adaptor.
I like to push c++20 features to get as close to Pythonesque as I can:
#include <boost/graph/filtered_graph.hpp>
template <typename Graph, typename Nodes, typename V = typename Graph::vertex_descriptor>
auto induced_subgraph(Graph& g, Nodes nodes) {
std::function f{[n = std::move(nodes)](V v) { return n.contains(v); }};
return boost::filtered_graph(g, boost::keep_all{}, f);
Now, let's write your reachable_subgraph
#include <boost/graph/breadth_first_search.hpp>
template <typename Graph, typename V = typename Graph::vertex_descriptor>
auto reachable_subgraph(Graph& g, V source, unsigned depth) {
std::vector<unsigned> dist(num_vertices(g));
auto vis = make_bfs_visitor(record_distances(dist.data(), boost::on_tree_edge{}));
breadth_first_search(g, source, visitor(vis));
std::set<V> N;
for (auto [b, e] = vertices(g); b != e; ++b)
if (auto d = dist[*b]; d && d < depth)
return induced_subgraph(g, std::move(N));
See it Live On Coliru
int main() {
boost::adjacency_list g;
std::mt19937 prng(77); // manually selected for example
generate_random_graph(g, 100, 150, prng);
// print_graph(g);
fmt::print("g has vertices [0..{}]\n", num_vertices(g) - 1);
auto sub = reachable_subgraph(g, 5, 3);
//fmt::print("nodes reachable < 3 from 5: {}\n", boost::make_iterator_range(vertices(sub)));
g has vertices [0..99]
8 -->
13 --> 22
14 --> 22 8
22 -->
27 --> 22
31 --> 13 63 72
35 -->
50 --> 90
63 -->
72 -->
90 -->
97 --> 35 27