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Available methods in gradle closure

How do we know what available methods are in Gradle Closures? E.g.:

task greeting {
    dependsOn greeting0

    doLast {

In the above closure passed into task greeting, where do the Gradle specific dependsOn & doLast come from?

Both dependsOn and doLast are Task methods. However, if we take a look at the Project doc, the closure is only a simple Groovy Closure.


  • As an example, here's a Groovy DSL script which shows what's going on (I hope)

    class Example {
        def missingMethod(String name, args) {
            println name
        static run(Closure cl) {
            def project = new Project()
            cl.delegate = project
            cl.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
    class Project {
        def task(taskDefinition) {
            def task = new Task()
            taskDefinition[0].delegate = task
            taskDefinition[0].resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
        def and(String what) {
            println "Project $what"
        def methodMissing(String name, args) {
    class Task {
        def say(String what) {
            println "Task $what"
    // So now we can "run" a script {
        task woo {
            say "hello" // From task
            and "world" // From project

    This prints

    Task hello
    Project world