Given the sample below:
from itertools import permutations
p=permutations("abc", 2)
def func():
for i in p:
print("values=", i)
print("First use case:")
print("Second use case:")
print("The End!")
First use case:
values= ('a', 'b')
values= ('a', 'c')
values= ('b', 'a')
values= ('b', 'c')
values= ('c', 'a')
values= ('c', 'b')
Second use case:
The End!
The question is about the second function CALL, why doesn't print the values?!
is and iterator which means once you finish iterating through it there are no more elements in it. You will have to regenerate the iterator.
def func():
p=permutations("abc", 2)
for i in p:
print("values=", i)
If you have situation where the iterator is generated randomly and you want to use the same random elements then you will have to move them to something like a list.
from numpy.random import permutation
import numpy as np
p = list(iter(np.random.randint(0,10,10)))
def func():
for i in p:
print("values=", i)