I have a situation where current implementation joins 2 tables to fetch records as below however there is a case that employee and address as versioned entities
create table employee (
empid int primary key,
VER_ID int,
ADId int
create table ADDRESS(
ADId int not null ,
VER_ID int,
insert into employee values (500,12,100);
insert into employee values (501,13,101);
insert into employee values (502,22,102);
insert into employee values (503,23,103);
insert into ADDRESS values (100,12,'abc');
insert into ADDRESS values (101,13,'bc');
insert into ADDRESS values (102,22,,'def');
insert into ADDRESS values (103,-1,'ghi');
I wish to fetch all records by joining employee and Address along with the ver_id =-1 which means all eomployees with id 500 to 503 should appear in response as below
currently it does not show Address record with 103 and ver_id=-1 I want that also should be part of response
select * from ADDR_INFO ai ,ADDRESS a
where ai.ADId=a.ADId (+)
and ai.VER_ID=a.VER_ID (+);
Result set should look like below
500 12 100 100 12 abc
501 13 101 101 13 bc
502 22 102 102 22 def
503 23 103 103 -1 ghi
I tried with or condition but its not working as below
select * from employee ai ,ADDRESS a
where ai.ADId=a.ADId (+)
and (ai.VER_ID=a.VER_ID (+) or a.VER_ID=-1 );
If I understand correctly, you want to join address and employee to show all record with ver_id = -1. So you can can write this:
select a.empid,a.adid,a.ver_id,b.ad_aggregate from employee a join address b on a.ADId=b.ADId;
Is it your mean?