Search code examples

Get all the orders of the seller and sort it by date?

How can I get all the orders from the seller and then sort them by the previous date to the present?

This is what I get for all transactions, when I Order.find(),

        "_id": "636357777877c919bb2cfa45",
        "products": [
                "productId": "636355a07877c919bb2cdfdc",
                "quantity": 1,
                "sellerId": "636355187877c919bb2cdf1f",
                "_id": "636357777877c919bb2cfa46"
        "amount": 100,
        "createdAt": "2022-10-03T05:53:59.997Z",
        "_id": "636357da7877c919bb2d035f",
        "products": [
                "productId": "636357387877c919bb2cf494",
                "quantity": 1,
                "sellerId": "636355187877c919bb2cdf1f",
                "_id": "636357da7877c919bb2d0360"
        "amount": 100,
        "createdAt": "2022-11-03T05:55:38.858Z",
        "updatedAt": "2022-11-03T05:55:38.858Z",
        "__v": 0
        "_id": "636367d2407816df5f589bc6",
        "products": [
                "productId": "63635acf7877c919bb2d3d95",
                "quantity": 1,
                "sellerId": "636355187877c919bb2cdf1f",
                "_id": "636367d2407816df5f589bc7"
        "amount": 20,
        "createdAt": "2022-11-03T07:03:46.350Z",

So what I'm trying to get here is the total amount of the seller during a certain month. For example, I have 3 orders here, one of them is from October, while the other two are from November.

So the output should be.

October = 100
November = 120

I tried the code below, but I received an empty array

This is my URL


router.get('/previousSales/:id', async (req,res) => {
    const {id} = req.params
    const date = new Date();
    const lastMonth = new Date(date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - 1));
    const previousMonth = new Date(new Date().setMonth(lastMonth.getMonth() - 1)); 

    try {
      const order = await Order.aggregate([
          $match: {
            createdAt: {gte: previousMonth}, ...(id && {
              products: {$elemMatch: {id}}

          $project: {
            month: { $month: "$createdAt" },
            sales: "$amount",
          $group: {
            _id: "$month",
            total: { $sum: "$sales" },
    } catch (error) {
      res.status(400).json({message: error.message})



I forgot to mention that the Object Id in URL belongs to the sellerId inside the product array.


  • You can change your $match step to this:

      {$match: {
          createdAt: {$gte: previousMonth},
          products: {$elemMatch: {sellerId: id}}

    Since currently you are looking for the field id but you want to look for the field sellerId.

    See how it works on the playground example