I create a function to download a json file from urlLink in the storage of Firestore. Here it is:
func chargerLObjetDeFirestore(urlLink: String, completion: @escaping (_ menuObject: MenuObjectPartager?) -> Void) {
if urlLink != "" {
let documentUrl = URL(string: urlLink)
let data = NSData(contentof: documentUrl!) //No exact matches in call to initializer
if data != nil {
// decoding the data loaded
let loadedMenu: MenuObjectPartager = try data.decodedObject()
} else {
print("@@No document found in urlLink")
But i have an issue. It says: No exact matches in call to initializer and it's about NSData line.
So, how to solve the issue about NSData when downloading a json file from an urlLink?
I'm not sure if this will be the only issue with your code but error states that there's no initializer with such params.
Correct one would be:
NSData(contentsOf: documentUrl!)
You can check out documentation for more initializers: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsdata/1413892-init