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Python Cookie Cutter - Conditional Code Block?

Is it possible do some sort of conditional code block depending on the variable(s) set? I am trying to templatize a project which has some yaml configuration files. I would like a section of the yaml configuration to be optional though, but I do not know if there is a way to do this using cookiecutter. I do know that cookiecutter supports optional files and directories.

Here is an example:

{{ cookiecutter.pipeline_name }}:
    {{ cookiecutter.model_name }}:
        instance_type: {{ cookiecutter.instance_type }}
          - image:
              name: {{ cookiecutter.image_name }}
              repo: {{ cookiecutter.image_repo }}
              tag: {{ cookiecutter.image_tag }}
            provider: ecr
            data: {{ cookiecutter.model_artifact }}
          s3_output_path: {{ cookiecutter.async_output_path }}
          max_concurrent_invocations_per_instance: {{ cookiecutter.max_invocations }}

The async_inference_config block should be optional. If the user doesn't fill in the async_output_path and the max_invocations variables, then the entire block should be removed. If this is not possible, I could create 2 different cookiecutter templates. But seems like a waste considering the only difference between these 2 templates would be the async_inference_config block.


  • This is not really cookiecutter's functionality but rather Jinja2's one. Take a look at this part of it's documentation.

    So your code should look similar to this one:

    {{ cookiecutter.pipeline_name }}:
        {{ cookiecutter.model_name }}:
            instance_type: {{ cookiecutter.instance_type }}
              - image:
                  name: {{ cookiecutter.image_name }}
                  repo: {{ cookiecutter.image_repo }}
                  tag: {{ cookiecutter.image_tag }}
                provider: ecr
                data: {{ cookiecutter.model_artifact }}
    {% if cookiecutter.async_output_path and cookiecutter.max_invocations %}
              s3_output_path: {{ cookiecutter.async_output_path }}
              max_concurrent_invocations_per_instance: {{ cookiecutter.max_invocations }}
    {% endif %}