I'm learning how to create PWAs. I hosted an example page on webhost000 with a webmanifest file and service worker. The website passed the Chrome Lighthouse test and there are no errors in the console. However, there are is an "Add to homescreen" Option instead of the "Install App" option which PWAs typically have. Browser - Chrome Android Here is the link for my website. And here is the source code
Can anyone help me on how to get the "Install App" option on my website?
I'm fairly new to coding. So excuse my questionable coding skills.
I added a webmanifest.json file in the root directory and linked the icon png. Registered a service worker with a file named sw.js in the root directory. And hosted it via Webhost000 with https.
Your manifest does not currently have a display
property. For further edits please open the applications windows inside a chromium browser. It will tell you exactly what you are missing. Also, the chrome lighthouse is a good tab to check for this.