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How to use variable from generate method to another method

In short when i run this commend mvn clean test -D"cucumber.filter.tags=@Test1" after i run mvn clean test -D"cucumber.filter.tags=@Test2" command i want i can use the variable created in the previous method in the other method. For example;

Scenario: Create Folder
    When I create folder with "test" name api

This scenerio linked this method

@When("^I create folder with \"([^\"]*)\" name api$")
public void createFolder(String name) {

    response = RestAssured.given()
            .header("X-Auth-Token", xAuthToken.userAuth())
            .header("Folder-Name", name)
            .header("Folder-Uuid", "123456")
            .queryParam("parentFolderUuid", "")

    getUuid = getJsonPath(response, "uuid");    

And here is my second scenerio

Scenario: Create inside the Folder
    When I send create inside the folder with "1" name api

And this scenerio is also linked this method
@When("^I send create inside the folder with \"([^\"]*)\" name api$")
public void createInsideFolder(String name) {

    String uuid = getUuid();

    response = RestAssured.given()
            .header("X-Auth-Token", xAuthToken.userAuth())
            .header("Folder-Name", name)
            .header("Folder-Uuid", "123456")
            .queryParam("parentFolderUuid", getUuid)
So when I use the same tag, I can use the variable created in the previous method in the other method, but when I run each scenario with different tags, I get a null pointer error. How can I run 2 scenarios separately and use the variable in the previous method in the other method?


  • Can you do this? Yes, you can.

    Should you do this? Absolutely not! Unless, you are creating a Background to do this.

    Under no circumstance, you should create a scenario that depends on another scenario. Scenarios are meant to be run independently and in no specific order. Creating a dependency such as the one you described here is counterproductive. But, against my better judgment, I am going to show you how to do it...

    Create a global variable!

    public class MyFeatureClass {
        private String folderName = "";
        @When("^I create folder with \"([^\"]*)\" name api$")
        public void createFolder(String name) {
            response = RestAssured.given()
                .header("X-Auth-Token", xAuthToken.userAuth())
                .header("Folder-Name", name)
                .header("Folder-Uuid", "123456")
                .queryParam("parentFolderUuid", "")
            getUuid = getJsonPath(response, "uuid");
            folderName = // whatever;
        @When("^I send create inside the folder with \"([^\"]*)\" name api$")
        public void createInsideFolder(String name) {
            // Use "folderName" here
            String uuid = getUuid();
            response = RestAssured.given()
                .header("X-Auth-Token", xAuthToken.userAuth())
                .header("Folder-Name", name)
                .header("Folder-Uuid", "123456")
                .queryParam("parentFolderUuid", getUuid)

    A better approach is to use a Background. A background in Cucumber is very much the same as what @Before annotation is for JUnit or TestNG. A background step definition is a chunk of code that runs automatically before each scenario (whether a particular scenario needs it or not). This is the correct place to resolve all the dependencies a scenario might need to execute correctly. In the cucumber file, add a background after the declaration of the feature, like this:

    Feature: Test Background Feature
    Description: The purpose of this feature is to test the Background keyword
    Background: Files and Folders are created
        When I create folder with "XYZ" name api
    Scenario: Create subfolder
        Given Open my app
        When I send create inside the folder with "1" name api
        Then I can create files inside folder

    To access this variable, do the same as I proposed: declare it as global. When you add scenarios to this feature that require this attribute, they will be able to access it automatically.

    If you are required to use a variable in between steps, you should be able to use the same strategy.