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Multiple inputs in Redux

I want to change values of two my inputs in Redux, but for some reasons it does not work.

// My code in component
 <Input label="name" value={} onChange={(e) => dispatch(onChangeInputAction(e))} name="name" />
 <Input label="username" value={initialUser.userName} onChange={(e) => dispatch(onChangeInputAction(e))} name="userName" />

// code from redux

const initialUser: IInitialUser = {
  name: '',
  userName: '',
  id: null,

 case CustomersActionsEnum.ONCHANGE_INPUT:
      const {value, name} = action.payload.currentTarget;

      return {...state, initialUser: {...initialUser, [name]: value}};

//action creator

export const onChangeInputAction = (payload:React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => ({type: CustomersActionsEnum.ONCHANGE_INPUT, payload});

I read that the best idea is to use name from input as a key, I follow this piece of advise, but it does not work.

The problem when I write something in one input, everything is ok, but when I start to write in another input, first input gets clear and the value appears only in the second input.


  • It looks like you are overwriting state.initialUser with const initialUser.

    You probably meant to spread ...state.initialUser

    const initialUser: IInitialUser = {
      name: '',
      userName: '',
      id: null,
     case CustomersActionsEnum.ONCHANGE_INPUT:
          const {value, name} = action.payload.currentTarget;
          return {...state, initialUser: {...state.initialUser, [name]: value}};