I'm working on a basic (non DB) connection pool which allows only 1 connection to be created per project.
The connection pool supports an async-task/threaded environment and therefor I have made use of a semaphore instead of a regular Lock.
I wrote a test, below, which is meant to stress test the connection pool. The code works but under higher loads, the semaphore throws the following error
I can overcome this error by decreasing the load.
For example, increasing the _waitTimeMs to a higher number (i.e. 50ms or 100ms or 1000ms) or decreasing _numberOfTasks (i.e. to 5 or 3). I should also mention that sometimes, it manages to run higher load tests without errors.
Is there a mistake or misconception in my code and/or use of semaphores?
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
internal class Program
static int _numberOfTasks = 50;
static int _waitTimeMs = 1;
static SemaphoreSlim _dictLock = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
static ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool> _pool = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool>();
/// <summary>
/// Only 1 connection allowed per project.
/// We reuse connections if available in pool, otherwise we create 1 new connection.
/// </summary>
static async Task<string> GetConnection(string projId)
// Enter sema lock to prevent more than 1 connection
// from being added for the same project.
if (await _dictLock.WaitAsync(_waitTimeMs))
// Try retrieve connection from pool
if (_pool.TryGetValue(projId, out bool value))
if (value == false)
return "Exists but not connected yet.";
return "Success, exists and connected.";
// Else add connection to pool
_pool.TryAdd(projId, false);
// Simulate delay in establishing new connection
await Task.Delay(2);
_pool.TryUpdate(projId, true, false);
return "Created new connection successfully & added to pool.";
// Report failure to acquire lock in time.
return "Server busy. Please try again later.";
catch (Exception ex)
return "Error " + ex.Message;
// Ensure our lock is released.
static async Task Main(string[] args)
if (true)
// Create a collection of the same tasks
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
for (int i = 0; i < _numberOfTasks; i++)
// Each task will try to get an existing or create new connection to Project1
var t = new Task(async () => { Console.WriteLine(await GetConnection("Project1")); });
// Execute these tasks in parallel.
Parallel.ForEach<Task>(tasks, (t) => { t.Start(); });
Is there a mistake or misconception in my code and/or use of semaphores?
There's a bug in your code, yes. If the WaitAsync
returns false
(indicating that the semaphore was not taken), then the semaphore is still released in the finally
If you must use a timeout with WaitAsync
(which is highly unusual and questionable), then your code should only call Release
if the semaphore was actually taken.