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AnyLogic - dynamic schedule for resourcePool cast from Integer to TimeUnits

I refer to the following SOW post and the answer of Stuart Rossiter.

I thought it was right to open a new thread about this, as the problem can be looked at a little differently after all these years. Now I get the following error: "The method create_ShiftChange(double, TimeUnits) in the Main type is not applicable for the arguments (int, Integer)."

As I noted in my comment from Stuart Rossiter's solution, I believe the function create_ShiftChange(...) had different input arguments a few years ago.

The cast from getTimeoutToNextValue() to double is not a problem. However, the cast of the second argument getNextValue() from Integer to TimeUnits presents me with a challenge.

Does anyone have a solution for my problem or do I have to look for a detour, since the "old" create_ShiftChange(...) also has a different meaning due to the other input arguments? Thanks for the help!


  • There hasn't been a change in the create_* functions (methods) for dynamic events. There are two forms:

    • One where you explicitly specify the time units for when it should be scheduled (so with 2 initial arguments of type double and TimeUnits). TimeUnits is a Java enum (effectively what an AnyLogic option list is under the covers) with values like TimeUnits.MINUTE; auto-complete will show you the alternatives.

    • One where you implicitly assume the time units of the model as a whole, as in its properties (so with 1 initial argument of type double).

    The dynamic event in question has a single int argument (i.e., its 'event-specific' data comprises just an integer), so the relevant create_* function variants have this as their final argument (i.e., they have 3 and 2 arguments respectively).

    In your case, you are not using a dynamic event with a single argument (otherwise the method create_ShiftChange(double, TimeUnits) it's complaining about wouldn't exist — it would be create_ShiftChange(double, TimeUnits, int) instead) and, since you've called it with two integers, the compiler (incorrectly) assumes you were trying to use the 2 argument form, hence the error message.

    So either add the argument to the dynamic event or, if in your case you're using a different set of arguments (or no arguments) for your dynamic event, change accordingly.