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@Value annotation unable to read properties file in spring boot camel application

I have a spring-boot application where I read data from queue and send data to transformation class using .bean()

class Integration {

    private String someURL; //able to read someURL from property file

    // some intermediate code

    .bean(new TransformationClass(), "transformationMethod")

    // other code


Now, Inside TransformationClass I have @Value annotation to read values from properties file but it always returns a null.

class TransformationClass {

    private String someURL; //someURL return null though there is key-value associated in props file.

    public void transformationMethod(Exchange exchange) {
        // other stuff related to someURL

Note - I am able to read values from property file in class but unable to read from class

I am using spring boot version - 2.7.2 and camel version - 3.18.1 jdk - 17

I tried to read using camel PropertiesComponent but it did not worked.


  • Problem here is, that new TransformationClass() is not a "spring managed instance", thus all @Autowire/Value/Inject/...s have no effect.

    Since TransformationClass is (singleton, spring-managed) @Component and is needed by Integration, wiring these makes sense:

    Via field... :

    class Integration {
       private TransformationClass trnsObject;
       // ...

    Or constructor injection:

    class Integration {
       private final TransformationClass trnsObject;
       public Integration(/*im- /explicitely @Autowired*/ TransformationClass pTrnsObject) {
          trnsObject = pTrnsObject;
       // ...
       // then:
           doSomethingWith(trnsObject); // has correct @Values