I am reading impala parquet from HDFS into Clickhouse. Target table in clickhouse has 2 complex types:
target_type1 Array(Tuple( LowCardinality(String),
Int 8,
Int 32,
Int 32,
Int 32
target_type2 Array(Tuple( LowCardinality(String),
Source table's type is String
. How should I construct souce table's String
and transform it into the target type?
For example,
Target table
create table test (
a String,
b Array(String),
c Array(Tuple(Int, String, String))
) engine = MergeTree order by tuple()
with t as (
select '123#def#aaa|456#xxx#aaa|789#bbbb#aaaa|3333#www#aaaa' as x, splitByChar('|', x) as y, splitByChar('#', y[1]) as z
) select * from t;
How should I construct the source string x
and transform it, so as to load into c Array(Tuple(Int, String, String))
Something like this?
INSERT INTO test (c) SELECT groupArray(new) AS val
'123#def#aaa|456#xxx#aaa|789#bbbb#aaaa|3333#www#aaaa' AS x,
splitByChar('|', x) AS y,
splitByChar('#', arrayJoin(y)) AS s,
(toInt32(s[1]), s[2], s[3]) AS new
Output is:
FROM test
Query id: e087e0b8-af15-45e9-a4bb-ce22cc2d6f6a
│ │ [] │ [(123,'def','aaa'),(456,'xxx','aaa'),(789,'bbbb','aaaa'),(3333,'www','aaaa')] │
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
I think it could be done without expanding the array with some lambda functions too.