I have a list objects displayed, each having a checkbox to select it. I also have a checkbox at the top to select the checkbox for every object, kinda like this (assume [ ]
is a checkbox):
[ ] Select all
[ ] Object 1
[ ] Object 2
[ ] Object 3
The problem I have is when I have about 100 objects and clicking "Select all", the web page freezes for a good few seconds. There is also a search bar to filter the object, but I tested this by removing it and the performance is just as slow. Each object has a property selected
so we know which object is selected. Below are some snippets of my code:
:model-value="operatingRows.length === 0 ? false : allSelected"
@update:modelValue="allSelectPressed" // Calls vuex function below
v-for="(row, index) in operatingRows"
@toggleSelectedOnRow="toggleSelectedOnRow(row.id)" // Calls vuex to select individual row
Computed properties:
operatingRows() {
const showRow = (r) => {
// Some search code, irrelevant here
return this.sorted.filter(showRow); // 'sorted' comes from vuex
selectedRows() {
return this.operatingRows.filter((r) => r.selected);
numSelected() {
return this.selectedRows.reduce((prev, cur) => (cur.selected ? prev + 1 : prev), 0);
allSelected() {
return this.numSelected === this.operatingRows.length;
Vuex store:
getters: {
sorted: (state) => state.sorted,
mutations: {
SET_ALL_SELECTED_ON_SORTED(state, isSelected) {
state.sorted.map((r) => {
const rn = r;
rn.selected = isSelected;
return rn;
I think it might be to do with the fact that there are too many computed properties? I tried removing them individually (and the associated code) but the performance still seems bad, thus I am not able to pin point the issue to any particular piece of code, rather I think it's to do with the architecture as a whole.
Any help appreciated.
Turns out it was because of the mutation. To fix this, the mutation code was moved to an action which calls a mutation to set the state of the sorted
selectOnSorted: ({ commit, rootGetters }, isSelected) => {
const selectedSorted = rootGetters['documents/sorted'].map((doc) => ({
selected: isSelected,
commit('SET_SORTED', selectedSorted);