I am trying to query the activity logs of a specific azure resource. However, I am not sure how to do it. I only found base code on the internet that can only filter up to resource group level.
from azure.mgmt.monitor import MonitorManagementClient
import datetime
# Get a client for Monitor
credentials = connectSP() # Custom function to get credentials
client = MonitorManagementClient(
# Generate query here
today = datetime.datetime.now().date()
filter = "eventTimestamp ge {}".format(today)
select = ",".join([
# Grab activity logs
activity_logs = client.activity_logs.list(
# Print the logs
for log in activity_logs:
print(" ".join([
I tried to filter it by resource_id attribute but is met with this error:
Code: BadRequest
Message: The filter property: resource_id is not supported.
Is it possible to narrow down the scope to just a resource? Also is there any documentation on how to modify the filter query? I just found the basic ones in the Microsoft documentation. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/python/api/azure-mgmt-monitor/azure.mgmt.monitor.v2015_04_01.operations.activitylogsoperations?view=azure-python
Code: BadRequest Message: The filter property: resource_id is not supported.
The error shows that ResourceID is not supported in the $filter argument.
The $filter
has restrictions refer MS-Doc for detailed information.
The $filter argument is very restricted and allows only the following patterns.
$filter=eventTimestamp ge '<Start Date Time>' and eventTimestamp le '<End time>' and resourceGroupName eq '<Resource Group Name>'.
$filter=eventTimestamp ge '<Start Date Time>' and eventTimestamp le '<End Date Time>' and resourceUri eq '<Resource URI>'.
$filter=eventTimestamp ge '<Start Date Time>' and eventTimestamp le '<End Date Time>'.
$filter=eventTimestamp ge '<Start Date time>' and eventTimestamp le '<End Date Time>' and resourceProvider eq 'resourceProviderName'.
$filter=eventTimestamp ge '<Start Date Time>' and eventTimestamp le '<End Date Time>' and correlationId eq 'correlationID'.`
If you need to filter specific resource, you can use Resource URI. Filter through resource group Use ResourceGroupName. Resource ID is not supported in the $filter.
The sample code I followed.
Sub_Base_Url = f"https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{Your_Subscription_Id}/providers/microsoft.insights/eventtypes/management/values?api-version=2015-04-01&"
# in filter you can use either Resource Group Name or Resource URI
filter = f"$filter=eventTimestamp ge '{Start_Date_time}' and eventTimestamp le '{End_Date_Time}' and resourceGroupName eq '{Your_Resource_Group}'"
Sub_Base_Url = Sub_Base_Url + filter
headers = {
"Authorization": 'Bearer ' + credential.token["access_token"]
res = requests.get(Sub_Base_Url, headers=headers)
output = res.json()