I am trying to write a custom fullscreen button for video tag.
Here is my code:
const onClickVideoHandler = useCallback(() => {
console.log(videoRef.current?.webkitRequestFullscreen); // always undefined in ios webview
if (videoRef.current?.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (videoRef.current?.msRequestFullscreen) {
} else if (videoRef.current?.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else if (videoRef.current?.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
}, [videoRef.current]);
<VideoWrapper onClick={onClickVideoHandler}>
<video ref={videoRef} src={videoLink} muted={muted} controls={false} playsInline autoPlay loop onError={onErrorHandler} />
When I click on the VideoWrapper I want the video to open in fullscreen mode
I try to call webkitRequestFullscreen(), but this method always undefined in ios webview( as well as mozRequestFullScreen, mozRequestFullScreen, msRequestFullscreen, requestFullscreen)
Is there a method for fullscreen mode in ios webview?
Unfortunately requestFullscreen
is only partially supported on iPads but not on iPhones.
More information about the availability of this API can be found here: https://caniuse.com/?search=requestFullscreen