I have a couple MAUI projects that include references to other projects which provide access to an API. The referenced projects generate dll's. When I compile the MAUI app in release mode and target my physical iPhone, the compile fails stating "Asset file '../project.Domain.Shared/obj/project.assets.json' doesn't have a target for 'net6.0-ios'. The referenced project is the .dll generating project that shouldn't (and cannot) contain a net6.0-ios property. This error only occurs if I attach my phone and target it during the compile. I can attach an Android device and compile in release mode without errors and even create an archive. Any help in resolving this issue is appreciated.
I tried adding the net6.0-ios property in the project that was referenced in the error, but doing so caused the whole solution to fail to compile. I am using Xcode 14.x and have seen other posts that suggested using version 13.x may resolve the problem. I tried that and still was unable to get the project to compile correctly.
For iOS, MAUI currently only supports publishing on the .NET command line. You need to use the command dotnet publish -f:net6.0-ios -c:Release...
to create the .ipa file. For more details, please refer to this official document: Publish a .NET MAUI app for iOS - .NET MAUI