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Select rows where jsonb field in a provided list

Say I have table in Postgres with column data of type JSONB. This column, ortholog, contains entries that look like:

  "9823": ["ENSSSCG00000004001"], 
  "10090": ["ENSMUSG00000022347"], 
  "10116": ["ENSRNOG00000004692"]

I am trying to retrieve all entries with "10090" whose any member belongs to a list of ENSMUSG ids such as ENSMUSG00000022347, ENSMUSG00000022348 .. etc.

Is there a way to make a query like this?

SELECT uuid, data ->> '10090' 
  FROM "ortholog" 
 WHERE data ->> '10090' INTERSECTS WITH 
               ('ENSMUSG00000022347', 'ENSMUSG00000022348', 'ENSMUSG0000009422');


  • I am trying to retrieve all entries with "10090" whose any member belongs to a list of ENSMUSG ids

    You can use operator ?| for this:

    select uuid, data ->> '10090' data_10090
    from ortholog
    where data -> '10090' ?| array[

    From the documentation

    jsonb ?| text[] → boolean

    Do any of the strings in the text array exist as top-level keys or array elements?

    Demo on DB Fiddle