Search code examples

Return documents depending on matching a given search set with accumulated distinct arrays from a document field

I have set with strings like this: a,b

and a collection like this:

    "owner": "anna",
    "letters": ["c"]

    "owner": "bob",
    "letters": ["b", "c"]

    "owner": "cai",
    "letters": ["a", "b"]
    "owner": "dora",
    "letters": ["a", "d"]
    "owner": "emil",
    "letters": ["a"]
    "owner": "fry",
    "letters": ["b"]

I want to get a random collection of documents where the set a,b matches a subset of accumulated distinct sets of the field "letters" of all documents in the collection.

A valid solution would be:

"owner": "cai",
"letters": ["a", "b"]

Also valid:

"owner": "emil",
"letters": ["a"]
"owner": "fry",
"letters": ["b"]

Also valid, since the sets of "letters" are distinct:

"owner": "emil",
"letters": ["a"]
"owner": "bob",
"letters": ["b", "c"]

Also valid:

"owner": "bob",
"letters": ["b", "c"]
"owner": "dora",
"letters": ["a", "d"]

NOT valid would be the following, since "b" is in both documents (should only be in one):

"owner": "bob",
"letters": ["b", "c"]

"owner": "cai",
"letters": ["a", "b"]

Also NOT valid, since "a" is in both documents:

"owner": "emil",
"letters": ["a"]

"owner": "cai",
"letters": ["a", "b"]

With the aggregation pipeline, in tried to group the documents by the field "letters" and randomize the order of the documents. I am stuck at how to apply the set rules to only return distinct documents without intersections between the arrays of field "letters" to match the search set.

Thanks for your help!


  • Use a sub-pipeline inside $lookup to search by a combination where the set union contains your criteria array (i.e. ["a", "b"]). Use $sample at the end to pick 1 combination. The combination would be stored in the $lookup result and you can just pick the combination you want.

        "$lookup": {
          "from": "collection",
          "let": {
            l: "$letters"
          "pipeline": [
              "$match": {
                $expr: {
                  $eq: [
                      "$setIntersection": [
              "$match": {
                $expr: {
                  "$setIsSubset": [
                      "$setUnion": [
              // optional for performance boost
              $limit: 10
          "as": "candidates"
        $unwind: "$candidates"
        $sample: {
          size: 1

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